
This web portal is the home of several collaborative projects between the University of Arkansas Facilities Management (FAMA) team and the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies (CAST) staff and students. We are leveraging our collective research interests and capabilities to enhance campus information management and increase the efficiency of managing these data using the latest geospatial and visualization technologies. These demonstration projects also provide real-world experience and prototype application deployment of geospatial technologies for our students, faculty and staff at the University of Arkansas to demonstrate and test within their normal day to day operations.

Facilities Management and CAST have already collaborated to streamline the collection of key building and room use datasets on an annual basis (RUSS) and we are currently working to develop campus-wide applications to integrate additional building level information systems to support FAMA and its administrative mission for the University of Arkansas.

Some of the projects listed are currently active and others are under development as of December 2013. Several of our existing applications are also being updated and migrated into the new hardware and software configurations that we have completed during the summer of 2013.

FAMA and CAST Collaborative projects: